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Update regarding COVID19


Update on Covid-19

Please be aware that until you are informed otherwise, school is open and operating as normal. As such, we expect all children to attend school unless they are showing the following symptoms:


  • High temperature and/or
  • A new continuous cough.

If your child is displaying these symptoms, then they should now take steps to stay at home and not leave their house for seven days from when their symptoms started. This will help to protect others in the community while they are infectious. Anyone displaying symptoms should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Please report absence in the normal way by calling the school office.


You can view the guidance around self-isolation online by clicking the following link:


The Chief Medical Officer provided new advice around self-isolation and Public Health England have updated their web pages so we would encourage you to review the updated information online at this address:


We will continue to provide regular updates regarding this situation and concerned parents should visit the NHS coronavirus webpage:


We thank you for your support and patience during this difficult period of time.

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