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Trolls Medley

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Urban Strides - Street Dance Crew

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Beat Box Collective

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Fun at Young Voices Wednesday 11th January 2023

Anti- Bullying Week 14th - 18th November 2022

Anti - Bullying Week 14th -18th November 2022

Macmillian Coffee Morning and Bake Sale - 29th & 30th Sept 2022

Young Voices 2022


Palfrey Junior School's Young Voices choir took part in a concert on Friday 20th May 2022 at the NEC Resorts World  Arena in Birmingham. It was a fantastic experience that the children will never forget.

Not only did they get to perform with a live band, musical director and conductor  with choirs from 104 other schools across the region, but they also got to see amazing performances from a well known singer Roachford, Urdan Strides ( a phenomenal street dance crew) and Beat Box collective ( WOW!).

Our choir were FANTASTIC, they sounded awesome and sang and danced their hearts out. 


If you look really closely at the video below you can see our banner hanging right at the top of the arena inline with the steps that run up from the stage on the right hand side!!




Sing From Your Heart - Young Voices 2022 - Resorts World Arena Birmingham

Sing From Your Heart was composed especially for the Young Voices Concert series for 2022. The concert also involved performances from Yolanda Brown, Beatbox...

Power In Me!

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Fun at Young Voices 20th May 2022


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17th -21st May 2021

Author Day

Serena Patel Online Visit

This week, every class had a question and answer session through video chat with Serena Patel, a new children’s author from Walsall and  and the characters in her books reflect the diversity of the area.   She writes a series of books about Anisha Mistry, a Hindu girl from  Birmingham, with a large and noisy family, who enjoys science, maths and solving mysteries. We have read the first chapter of her first book ‘Anisha: Accidental Detective’ and prepared some questions that we wanted to find out about. It was interesting to learn about how important planning and editing is in the writing process and how long she spends editing, changing and  improving her writing. We tried to predict who we thought had  committed the crime using the evidence from the book, but we will have to read the rest of the story to find out if we were right!  





Children Decorated their classroom doors for Anti-Bullying Week 16th-20th November. Look how amazing they all are!!!

World Book Day 5th March 2020

Saltmine Theatre and workdhops Y5 & 6 27th Feb 2020

Oliver, Oliver never before has a boy wanted more!!

Celebrating 135 years of Palfrey Junior School 29.11.2019

Anti-Bullying Week 2019 Change Starts With Us!! -18th- 22nd November 2019

STOP! An anti-bullying song performed by the pupils of Palfrey Junior School

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NSPCC - Speak Out & Stay Safe Day 4th November 2020

We are Internet Legends- E-safety Assembly 7th Oct 2019

World Book Day 2019- Treasure Island Theme

Anti-Bullying Week 19th- 23rd November 2018- Choose RESPECT!!

Glam Rock Day for the launch of Times Table Rock Stars!! 12.10.18

Palfrey Carnival

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