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Well - being

Well-being at Palfrey Junior School


At Palfrey Junior School we take the well-being of our staff and pupils very seriously. We have appointed dedicated staff who have well-being at the heart of everything they do.


Ms Thomson is our Pastoral lead.

Mrs Kalra is our well-being coordinator.


Pupils and staff know that there is always someone that they can talk to and we have developed a number of initiatives to support both pupils and staff.


Weekly Well-being and Positive Mental Health Lessons

Based on our 6 Keys to Positive Mental Health and Well-being, weekly well-being sessions are delivered during PPA time. Each week a different 'key' is explored and children complete an activity based on that area. The 6 areas we focus on are; Marvellous Me, Be Resilient, Be connected, Mindfulness, Growth Mindset and Be Active. Children have their own well-being folders for their work and each class has their own Well-being Journal, that gets filled with wonderful examples of work, pictures and photos. These book are displayed in the hall , by our fantastic well-being in Bloom display.


Well-being Wednesday

Pupils are invited to come into school during lunchtime to listen to quiet music and relax with some mindfulness colouring. 


Happy Club - Friday afternoon

This is a nurture group led by Ms Thomson and Mrs Shaw (SENCO). The weekly session supports some of our more vulnerable children with turn-taking, group activities, developing friendships, self-confidence and self esteem.


Worry monsters

There are two beautiful 'worry monsters' on Ms Thomson and Heads of School's door.  These monsters love to 'eat up' pupil worries! Pupils can pop messages in the worry monster and they will be dealt with swiftly.


Outdoor space / The Daily Mile

Spending time in the fresh air is great for well-being. Pupils are encouraged to take part in the Daily Mile (or part of) on the playground each morning before school.

In addition there are musical instruments and sports equipment to encourage pupils to use the outdoor space,


Inspirational Quotes

Displays and posters around school remind pupils how amazing they are. Pupils are encouraged to be resilient and proud of their achievement.


Positive Mental Health and Well-Being Support Newsletter

Our Well-being support newsletters are emailed to parents every 2-3 weeks. These contain information about the areas the children are learning about in school and contain lots of useful information and links that can be accessed at home to  support positive mental health and well-being. 

Click on the link below to take you to our Well-being and Mindfulness page.

The Mental Health Tool kit gives lots of information and contact details for mental health support services.

Our wonderful Well-being in Bloom Display

Some of our beautiful well being walls around school.

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