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Introduction to Rapid Lateral Flow testing

Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 have no symptoms and can spread the virus without knowing. Find out how the government is using Rapid lateral flow tests t...

Rapid Lateral Flow Testing Information for Parents

What to do if someone in your household has symptoms of Coronavirus?

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If you or someone you know has suffered a bereavement below is a guide to helping and supporting children through loss. You can also contact The Swing bereavement counselling on the Child and Family helpline 01922 645035

Accessing Class Blogs

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A guide on how to access a class blog, where you can communicate with your teacher.

Accessing Home Learning

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A quick tutorial on how to access Home Learning.

Free School Meal Voucher Scheme

Following the demands of our Free school meal parents, we have now signed up to the fsm e-voucher scheme. Parents have been signed up using the email address we have on file or with the email address you have recently sent us. There have been problems with the scheme, which is why we have delayed signing up and have been providing food hampers, but hopefully you should receive an email from a company called Edenred some time the week beginning 27th April. When you receive this email you will need to follow the guidance contained in the email. For those parents who have not provided us with an email address school will contact you when we have received the vouchers for you to collect.


Below is a link to the Edenred website for you to have a look at. You will NOT be able to sign up or request a voucher until

you have received your email next week.

Edenred Parent information                     

10 Tips for Home Learning

Parent Guide to Online Safety and Digital Resilience

DfE Guide to Online Educational Resources

If your children are struggling to understand what is happening at the moment, you could read this book with them- Coronavirus - A Book for Children

LA Update & Information regardng Free School Meal (FSM)

Please take a look at new Government guidance regarding Schools closures


DfE issues guidance for Parents on closure of Educational Settings


If schools close in order to reduce the spread of Covid-19, children will need to continue their education at home.


  • All children have school reading books available to them, which they should be reading for at least 20 minutes each day as part of their normal homework.
  • Try to read a balance of fiction and non-fiction texts.
  • If they come across unfamiliar vocabulary, then they should use appropriate strategies to make a sensible guess before looking up the meaning of the word.
  • Bug club (online) is an excellent resource as it provides a wide range of appropriate texts and also asks the children questions about the information that they have read.


  • There are many websites online that can be used for revision of maths topics such as and
  • The games that are set on active learn are matched to the topics that we have covered in maths so far this year, so they are useful to revise from. There are also videos available that can demonstrate skills step-by-step as your teacher would do in the class.
  • Times Table Rockstars (online) allows children to practise their speed and fluency with their times tables which will help to support them in a wide range of mathematical concepts.
  • Purple Mash (online) has many maths activities to consider
  • (online) also has maths games to play





  • Purple Mash (online) allows children to produce work related to their different topics from across the entire curriculum. Children will be set work by their teacher to complete on Purple Mash.
  • Children can also research topics over the internet as they would usually for talk homework and turn it into a project.



Most of these links are available on the school website. – access to bug club reading and abacus maths activities. - good for maths revision (particularly times tables). – Offers a good explanation of many different areas of maths. (It is American however, so some of the vocabulary is different). - Maths revision – maths games - Times Table Rockstars

Year 6 SATs paper links - past SATs papers available online. – alternative website for online SATs papers.


Many teaching websites are offering free access to resources for parents during school closures. We recommend using:

Twinkl and use the code UKTWINKLHELPS

White Rose Maths

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