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How we teach Science At Palfrey Junior School


At Palfrey Junior School, our main objectives are to engage, enjoy and achieve in Science. We teach Science from the children’s personal experiences out to the wider world so, as we say, From Little Acorns to Mighty Oaks. We use overarching questions to teach our topics in Science to make it interesting and exciting. Every year group teaches Science for two hours per week. In Science, we make strong cross-curricular links with Literacy, Numeracy, Computing, Art/DT and Topic.


In Science, children develop scientific skills these include making predictions, hypothesising, collecting and analysing data, drawing conclusions and using a variety of apparatus. They also have the opportunity to complete Science based Talk Homework throughout the year. Science taught at our school is creative, interesting, practical and FUN.


For further information, please refer to the Science Policy.



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