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Welcome to Palfrey Junior School


A very warm welcome from Palfrey Junior School.


We are proud to introduce you to Palfrey Junior School. Palfrey Junior is a 3 form entry school in the heart of Walsall for pupils between 7 and 11 years. We have over 360 pupils on roll.


Our key aim is to provide a high standard of eduction for all our pupils and to ensure pupils make the best possible progress from their starting points in a safe and stimulating environment.


Our curriculum is exciting, colourful and varied. It is based around our motto of,

"Little Acorns to Might Oaks".


As pupils grow in age, size and maturity, they develop their knowledge and skills through an outward looking curriculum. Pupils enjoy a curriculum which is packed with extra-currulum opportunities in terms of leadership opportunites, visitors, theme days, clubs, visits, projects, well being etc. In addition we work hard to support our local community and families through our Hub @ Palfrey,(formely Palfrey Community Association).


Pupils love school and attendance is high. A year 6 pupil recently said "I love school, it's a fabulous school".

We cater extremely well for our pupils who are 'New to English'. These pupils are supported very well by well-trained staff and make excellent progress.


Palfrey Junior School is a happy, caring and stimulating school. We work closely with a Community to provide a safe, exciting and thriving place to come to school. 


The staff and pupils look forward to meeting you.


Best wishes

Angela Hill

Executive Head Teacher

We've had 1 1 6 4 8 0 visitors