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School Council





Palfrey Junior School 

School Council


Our School Council is made up of one child from each class. To become a class representative on the council, children who were interested in the job had to give a speech describing; why they wanted to be on school council, why they would make a good school councilor and what they hoped to achieve. The rest of the class then voted for the candidate they thought would best listen to and share their ideas and thoughts.  They are YOUR CHOICE for YOUR VOICE.


Say Hello to our School Council 2021-22

School Council Music Project

As part of Anti-bully week 2021, our School Council worked with Ozzy from The Positivity Movement to write, compose, sing and record their very only song to spread the message of kindness. Their song One Kind Word is below. Well one guys it's fantastic!!!

One Kind Word - Ozy (palfrey junior school)

Antibullying week song

Helping to sell cakes for Macmillan Charity September 2021 and sell items for Rememberence Day November 2021

Say Hello to Palfrey Junior School Council 2019-20

We have started a board game club for children to come to every Friday dinner times. It's lots of fun!!

We learnt all about Sister Dora in school and how she helped the people of Walsall.

We really like helping out with fund raising and being able to support lots of different charities.

WOW! Our school raised nearly £700 for Macmillan.

We really enjoyed helping out with the Macmillan Coffee morning on Friday 27th September. We helped to set out the tables with all the delicious cakes and biscuits that children, staff and parents had donated. We welcomed all of our visitors and helps selling the cakes and raffle tickets. We also set up the cake sale for the other children in school.

Palfrey Junior School raised a massive £697!!

We are ALL internet LEGENDS! We learnt more about how to be safe online.

School Council Elections


Well done to all the children who put themselves forward for the job of School Council Representative. I am pleased to announce that following manifesto speeches and a democratic class vote this years School Council has been selected.                                                        All our elected School Council Representatives have promised to;

  • respect everyone's thought, ideas, opinions and suggestions
  • listen to and share those ideas and suggestions
  • help make positive changes to the school (with your help and ideas)
  • be great role models to other students
  • Be Your Voice



Thank you School Council for all the great work you have done this year. The WASUP art project was a massive success and everyone enjoyed creating a fantastic piece of art work from plastic bottles tops. The art work you completed with Mr Henson looks amazing and made from old plastic bottles. They will look great displayed around school. Thank you for representing our school at the CADMUS school council meetings, sharing some super ideas and helping to come up with the CADMUS motto.

School Council working hard sorting through all the children's suggestions.

We used lots of different ideas to write a mission statement for our school.

We are also part of the CADMUS School Council- Mohammed and Asad go to meetings at Chuckery school to share all of our ideas with the other schools in the family. We were asked to come up with a mission statement about CADMUS. We asked everyone for ideas about what CADMUS meant to them and we got lots of great ideas. We used those ideas to create a motto and a statement.









School Council asked their classes to bring in plastic bottle tops for an art project that we will be doing in the summer as part of the WASUP Campaign- Walsall Against Single Use Plastic.  WOW -what a response!!


Take a look at the fantastic art work created by Palfrey Junior School with all the plastic bottle tops  donated. It was displayed at Walsall College as part of the WASUP exhibition.

Litter Patrol Posters- School Council have created some lovley posters to encouage other pupils to sign up for litter patrol.

Thank you School Council for all your hard work, dedications and enthusiasm you have shown this year. You have listened to and responded to ideas and suggestions from all your class mates and have made a great contributions to the school.
               LOWER SCHOOL  (Y3&4)                                                                                                 UPPER SCHOOL (Y5&6)

They have already been busy distributing roles and responsibilities within the School Council, have created posters about themselves to display in their classrooms and are working on suggestion boxes for every class.


We are Digital Leaders 

We have been given an exciting new job to do- we are now Digital Leaders. We will help support others in class and make sure all children know how to be safe online. Our first job has been to work with Mrs Rudge from Walsall LA to design a questionnaire for all the children to complete. We will then go through all the answers with Mrs Rudge and make a plan. We are going to be doing an assembly soon to let everyone know who we are and what we are going to be doing. So ..... watch this space....




Hot Spot not Grot Spot

We turned a 'grot spot' into a 'hot spot' with our art work. It has really brightened up the Year 6 cloakroom. We are proud of our art work and hope everyone else likes it too.


Hot Spot or Grot Spot 6.10.17

We went around school looking for areas that were hot and others that were grot. We really like our school, there are loads of great things to see and lots of hot spots like; the toilets are all new clean, bright and colourful, there are lots of amazing displays, we have a lovely playground with lots of equipment with lots of things to do and play with.


The only places that we thought were grot, were the cloakrooms between Cl 10 and 9 and Cl 11 & 12. We thought they were rot because they were plain, dull and boring.

So we have decided to create some colourful pieces of art work to display in the boring cloakrooms to improve them and turn them from grot to hot. Take a look at our action plan.

Working hard on our art projects 10.11.17

School Council Story Telling Sessions 3.11.17

Palfrey Junior School Council 2016-17

We say a big thank you to all the School Council Reps from last year- what a fantastic job you all did. You raised money for different charities, planned and led assemblies throughout the school year, help to improve and encourage better attendance by being monitors, listened to and shared the ideas of all your fellow class mates, helped plan the new and improved adventure playground and were great role models to your peers- wow wow wow.

We have been working really hard this year and have been involved in lots of things-take a look at our Action Plan to see what we have been doing.

We've had 1 0 8 8 8 6 visitors