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TT Rockstars Battle of The Year Group Bands


Palfrey Battle of the Bands!

Are you a times table rockstar? Every week, you have the chance to bring glory to your class and become the winner of the year group battle of the bands!


Log in to TT Rockstars on your year groups battle day and time  and for every question you get right, you gain a point for your class! The class with the most points wins - and the top three players from the battle will get a certificate! All games count - you just need to concentrate on getting the right answer. Incorrect answers do not get points so no cheating, please!


Have you been practicing your times tables all week? Time to battle against the WHOLE SCHOOL! Every Friday, there will be a whole school battle. You will represent your class and the class with the most points will be that week's rockstars!


Top Tips

  • Everyone counts - the more of you logging in during the battle of the bands, the better. Work as a team to get the most points/
  • Different games - choose the game mode you find easiest to use. You can still battle against each other, or work solo in the studio
  • Time - you don't have to be on TT Rockstars for the entire time to make a difference. Log in and do your best, when you're tired, stop!
  • Fun - have fun working as a team when we can't be together.


Battle of the Bands Days and Times 

Year 3 Monday 10:00 - 12:00

Year 4 Tuesday 10:00 - 11:30

Year 6 Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00

Year 5 Thursday 10:00 - 11:00

Whole School Friday 10:00 - 12:00

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