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Art & DT

How we teach Art and DT At Palfrey Junior School 



At Palfrey Junior School, we use the Clive Davis curriculum, which builds on skills as the children progress through the school. Continuity and progression in Art and DT will be built around a set of matrices known as essential knowledge, understanding and key skills within the subject disciplines. These are broken down into year group expectations and have additional challenges for able learners. Children of all abilities will have the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge in each unit and, through planned progression built into the scheme of work, we offer them an increasing challenge as they move through the school.


Through the Clive Davis curriculum, Art and DT is built around the subjects the pupils are learning through Topic and Science. Each class is allocated an hour every week for Art and DT lessons.  Through inspire workshops, the children have the opportunity to create a piece of art or DT work with their family members. In addition, talk homework is often art based; this enables the children to get creative at home. Each year group have an area where basic resources are stored, and resources that are more specific are stored in a central area, which each year group has access to.


For further information, please refer to the Art and DT Policy.

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