Online Safety at Palfrey Junior School
Technology and the Internet can be fantastic – they can help our children to learn, to create amazing things, to communicate and to entertain themselves and each other. Our children are surrounded by this technology – it is part and parcel of their daily lives.
Using technology and the Internet well is about using it safely and responsibly. Things can go wrong by accident or if behaviour isn’t sensible or respectful. Our job is not to stop our young people from using technology but to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to successfully navigate themselves through the online world, so they become good digital citizens.
E-Safety Useful Links
The links on this page are designed to support you in helping your children stay as safe as they can be when using technology, including the Internet.
Click on the icons to access useful links.
Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) website is a police agency tackling child abuse on the internet.
CEOP is full of people who want to help you. They work to keep children safe online,you can make a report to CEOP if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried.
PARENTAL CONTROLS -This tool will help you understand how to set parental controls on all the main devices and websites your children use
A great website for parents/carers and children. It has lots of fun activities and games as well as information, advice and guidance.
Parent E-Safety Workshop Tuesday 11th July @ 9:15am
Please take a look at information and instructions on Childnet about new safety settings for Snapchat.
A new Snapmap has been introduced allowing followers to know exactly where you are, this raises real concerns for us especially if your children are using the app. Make sure settings are set to GHOST MODE so no one else can see your location.
We have recently received an email from Walsall LA warning about a website/You Tube Channel called SML Movies. This looks like a child friendly site, as the mini movies are made using children's puppets including those from Super Mario, but the content is extremely inappropriate for children. Please ensure you supervise you children when they are online especially when using You Tube.
E-SAFETY /APP WARNING September 2017
There is new app that is becoming increasing popular with children and young people called Live Me. This app has NO restrictions on age or users– it allows users to stream LIVE videos and broadcasts that ANY user of the site can watch, share or take screen shot pictures of . This is extremely worrying as ANYBODY could by watching and sharing posts of your children. Please check your child's devices and make sure your children are NOT using this app as it is potentially very dangerous.