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School Values

Our Vision and Mission


We will Engage children through:

  • a question led curriculum approach where they are encouraged to ask questions in a supportive learning environment.
  • a broad and balanced curriculum which develops their potential academically, physically, socially and emotionally.
  • guidance and support so that they are well informed of their progress and what they need to do to improve.
  • “Talk Homework”: to enable them to explore their personal interests, research skills and presentation skills.
  • “Pupil Voice” – class and school councils, A Stars (A walk to school Initiative).


We will Engage parents/carers through:

  • Inspire Workshops- working alongside children while engaged in Topic projects
  • Open Mornings – observing lessons – finding out how subjects are taught
  • Class Assemblies – watching children share what they are learning
  • Celebration Assemblies – acknowledging children’s achievements
  • Consultation meetings – working in partnership to support learning


Children will Enjoy via:

  • WOW days – stunning starts or fantastic finishes to Topics
  • Educational visits – to enhance learning
  • Visitors to school – to bring learning to life
  • Opportunities to achieve national qualifications – Children’s University, Year 6 “Rock it”.
  • Opportunities to take part in lunch time clubs


Children will Achieve because we will:

  • know our children; their strengths and areas of development
  • deliver well planned lessons that are adapted to suit the needs of all children
  • adapt teaching styles to enable all children access to the curriculum
  • provide learning environments and teaching resources that support children’s learning.
  • nurture children’s personal development – encouraging thinking, reasoning, sharing and problem solving skills
  • work closely with all stakeholders
  • ensure children are ready for the next part of their educational learning journey
  • prepare children for life as a good citizen in Britain and the World
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