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How we teach Literacy At Palfrey Junior School



At Palfrey, we know that literacy is important in everything that we do; it helps us to learn and understand new things through reading and communicate our ideas through speaking and writing. We use and develop our literacy skills in every lesson as well as having specific literacy lessons.

In these lessons, we use the ‘Literacy and Language’ scheme as well as other high quality texts to firstly, develop our reading skills and then to use our reading as a basis for our writing. Grammar is taught within the scheme and as stand-alone lessons based on the needs of each class.

We also have separate Guided Reading lessons where we continue to explore a wide range of texts. Some of these topics link to our different areas of study as well as developing our understanding of issues and concepts in the wider world.

For children who are still working to develop their early reading and writing skills, we have smaller breakaway groups where they can be supported at a level and pace that is more appropriate for them. We use Ruth Miskin Literacy (RML) to develop their understanding of phonics in their reading and writing. Whole class texts are also used to encourage enjoyment in reading.

We provide a wide range of good quality texts for children to select independently for reading for pleasure at home.  


For further information, please refer to the Literacy Policy.

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